Backlit Fabric Displays

Fabric Backlit Displays

Description missing in the presentation.

Applications for Backlit Fabric Displays

Trade Shows Museums Airports
Shopping Malls High End Retail Outlets

Things to consider when ordering Backlit Fabric Displays. . .

  1. What is your customer’s application – how are they going to use the Backlit Fabric Displays?

  2. Are there any critical colors to match?

  3. PMS Color Matching

  4. How will this product be installed?

  5. If this product goes in a frame system, what is the VO (i.e. Visual Opening) of the frame?

  6. If a silicone bead is needed do you already have that? If not what thickness does the frame system require?

  7. Materials:

  8. a. Backlit Polyester

  9. Finishing:

  10. a. Silicon Bead for Frame Systems