Non-Illuminated Vinyl Awnings

Non-Illuminated Vinyl Awnings

Non-Illuminated Vinyl Awnings are stretched around an awning frame on the face of a building, usually above the main entrance.

Applications for Non-Illuminated Vinyl Awnings

Retail Storefronts

What to consider when ordering Non-Illuminated Vinyl Awnings. . .

  1. Any critical colors to match?
    PMS Color Matching
  2. Does your size include the additional material/bleed needed for installation?
  3. Does the file size allow for the angle and shape of the awning?
  4. Will the customer ever want to illuminate this awning?
  5. Who will install the awning?
  6. Material:
    Indy Imaging 18oz with low temperature additive – stocking 40”, 70”, 98”, 126”, 156”, & 197”

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