What is G7?
A Certified G7 Expert is an expert in the field of color management, process and quality control for proofing and printing equipment. A G7 Expert is able to analyze color and print related issues and take corrective action to bring systems and processes in control to a set method, standard or specification with repeatable, predictable results. A G7 Expert has attended and passed an IDEAlliance G7 Expert Training and exam. Certification is valid for two years. Recertification is required every two years. The G7 Expert must take the Recertification Training and pass the exam as well as to remain employed with an IDEAlliance Member Company in order to maintain their G7 Expert status.

G7® is both a definition of grayscale appearance, and a calibration method for adjusting any CMYK imaging device to simulate the G7 grayscale definition. G7 yields a visual match between different imaging systems using simple 1-dimensional curves, and enables shared appearance between different printing devices or specifications when additional color management is not available.
G7 is the basis for GRACoL on #1 paper (TR006), SWOP on #3 paper (TR003), SWOP on #5 paper (TR005) and FIRST’s Flexo on white polyester substrate (TR007). G7 utilizes one of the implementation methods of the new ISO 10128 standard for near-neutral calibration. G7 is device independent. The G7 neutral print density curve (NPDC), gray balance definitions and calibration methodology are the same for any imaging technology, regardless of substrate, colorants, screening technologies, etc. The NPDC at the heart of the G7 grayscale definition was derived by analyzing the neutral tonality of typical ISO Standard commercial offset printing using computer-to-plate technology. G7 should not be confused with GRACoL7, which is the 7th edition of the GRACoL Specification.